Summer Fun Shouldn’t End in Tragedy: Water Safety Tips for Parents

Safety & Awareness | May 1, 2024

By Kathi Hegranes, FOCUS Program Coordinator, Injury Prevention & Outreach Coordinator, ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah

Summer is almost here, and with it comes pool parties, beach trips, and endless fun for kids.

But amidst the sunshine and laughter, a hidden danger lurks: drowning. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), unintentional drowning is a leading cause of death for children aged 1-4. The good news? Drowning is preventable with proper supervision and safety measures. This summer, make water safety your top priority, and learn about the Safe Kids Water Watcher program, a simple yet powerful tool to keep your children safe.

Safe Splashing: Water Safety Tips for Parents

Here are some essential water safety tips from Safe Kids Worldwide to keep your kids safe this summer:

  • Be a Water Watcher: This doesn’t mean multitasking! Designate a responsible adult as the Water Watcher, someone who will give their undivided attention to supervising children in the water. Download a free Water Watcher card from Safe Kids to serve as a visual reminder and ensure focused supervision is passed on each shifts.
  • Life Jackets are Lifesavers: Always ensure children wear properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets whenever they’re near or in open water, even if they know how to swim. A life jacket can buy precious time
    in an emergency.
  • Swimming Lessons are Essential: Enroll your child in age-appropriate swimming lessons. While lessons don’t drown-proof a child, they can equip them with basic water survival skills and increase their confidence.
  • Fences are Friends: Install appropriate fencing around pools and hot tubs, with self-closing and latching gates that are out of reach for young children. Remember, a fence is not a substitute for adult supervision, but it adds a crucial layer of protection.
  • Constant Supervision is Key: Never leave a child unattended near water, no matter their age or swimming ability. Drowning can happen quickly and silently, so constant vigilance is essential.
  • Know Your Limits: Don’t let overconfidence put your child at risk. Be realistic about their swimming skills and keep them within your arm’s reach in unfamiliar water environments.
  • Clear the Area: Keep toys and floats out of the pool when not in use. This helps prevent unsupervised children from climbing in and potentially falling in.
  • Learn CPR: Be prepared for emergencies. Enroll in CPR classes and learn how to perform CPR on infants and children.
    Empty Portable Pools After Use: Don’t let portable kiddie pools become a drowning hazard. Empty them completely after each use and store them upside down.

By following these water safety tips and utilizing the Safe Kids Water Watcher program, you can ensure a happy and safer summer for your entire family.

Remember, water safety is not a one-time conversation; make it an ongoing dialogue with your children throughout
the summer. With a little preparation and constant vigilance, you can create lasting summer memories without worry.
Visit Safe Kids Wisconsin at for more information and resources.

Safe Kids Fox Valley wishes you a healthy, fun summer. Like us on Facebook for current safety tips, recalls, and upcoming local activities at Safe Kids Fox Valley. Weather and other precautions may affect scheduled events. Please check Facebook for the most up-to-date-information.

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