The Great Outdoors Blog

A Pretty Red Pair

The Great Outdoors | November 2, 2021

By Jackie Scharfenberg, Forest Naturalist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Read more.

shagbark hickory

Shaggy Giants: Shagbark Hickory

The Great Outdoors | September 1, 2021

By Jackie Scharfenberg, Forest Naturalist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Photo by: Keith Kanoti, Maine Forest Service, USA Read more.

Let’s Play Hide-n-Seek!

The Great Outdoors | July 8, 2021

By Jackie Scharfenberg, Forest Naturalist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Read more.

American bullfrog

“Jug-of-Rum” Choir of Summer

The Great Outdoors | July 16, 2020

By Jackie Scharfenberg, Forest Naturalist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Read more.

Deer Ticks: Eight-legged Menace

The Great Outdoors | June 12, 2020

By Jackie Scharfenberg, Forest Naturalist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Read more.

mourning cloak

Mourning Cloak: Flutter on Snow

The Great Outdoors | March 1, 2020

By Jackie Scharfenberg, Forest Naturalist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
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winter fun 2019

WINTER FUN 2020: Skiing, Sledding, Tubing Hills & More!

The Great Outdoors | January 1, 2020

Skiing, Sledding, Tubing Hills & More in Northeastern Wisconsin! Find the best winter fun in the Greater Fox Valley Area. Read more.

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owls: White Winter Wanderers

The Great Outdoors |

By Jackie Scharfenberg, Forest Naturalist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Photo © Michael Gäbler / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0
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We’re Back! The Dark-Eyed Juncos

The Great Outdoors | November 1, 2019

By Jackie Scharfenberg, Forest Naturalist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Read more.

Gray Squirrel

Busy, Busy, Busy

The Great Outdoors | September 1, 2019

By Jackie Scharfenberg, Forest Naturalist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Read more.

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